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Warmly welcome city leaders to visit Shandong deep spring Technician College research and guidance work


On the morning of August 14, Liu Guoting, Vice Minister of Organization Department of Jinan Municipal Party Committee, Wu Botao, Vice minister of Organization Department of Jinan Municipal Party Committee, Wang Xiucheng, Secretary of Party Committee of Pingyin County, Pan Jianjun, deputy secretary of Party Committee of Jinan County, and other leaders visited our school for field research, accompanied by Dong Qiang, Secretary of Party Committee of our school。

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The leaders of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, accompanied by Secretary Dong Qiang, inspected the school's entrepreneurship and innovation center, and Secretary Dong introduced the construction of the school and the promotion of the entrepreneurship and innovation center in detail to the municipal leaders。City leaders evaluated the achievements of the construction of the school, and put forward valuable opinions and suggestions on how to further promote the deep integration of education and industry。

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With the strong support of Pingyin County government, the project of school construction and double innovation center has been promoted rapidly and achieved remarkable results。The school is committed to the integration of industry and education in the region, continues to train high-quality skilled talents, and helps the high-quality development of the local economy. The next step will continue to strengthen the docking with the industry to achieve a win-win situation for education and the economy。

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The research of the city leaders has brought recognition and encouragement to our work。The school will use this as a driving force for development,Adhering to the core idea of integration of production and education,Committed to training high-quality technical skills personnel,It will provide a strong engine for high-quality local economic development,Inject a steady stream of vitality into regional industrial upgrading and economic prosperity,Open a new era of deep integration of education and industry,Jointly write a new chapter of coordinated development。
